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After you go through the above initial steps you will face an arraignment, truly where the “legal” aspect of your case commences.

A person, now the defendant, charged with a crime will officially stand before a judge who will run down several important questions. It is always advisable to speak with your counsel prior to any hearing and to have your attorney present at your arraignment. The judge will:

Any person charged with a crime and facing the possibility of jail time has a constitutional right to the support of an attorney. If the defendant is not able to afford an attorney, government-appointed counsel will be designated to aid the defendant at no cost.

An option of last resort, it is not advisable to allow a public defender to represent you in your case.

Although many are fine attorneys, these lawyers are generally overworked, underpaid, and cannot provide your case with the attention and aggressive representation that an experienced, private criminal defense attorney can.


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Criminal Law

Criminal Law

266 Main Street, Stoneham, MA 02180
Phone: (781) 438-6600 - Fax: (781) 942-7034 - richard.woods@comcast.net